Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pertanyaan Kasus Artalita

Dalam hukum di Indonesia, suatu kejahatan dapat dikenakan jika semua unsur-unsur tindak kejahatan itu terpenuhi. Bagaimana dengan analisis pattern matching kasus Artalita, apakah semua ciri-ciri kasus harus terpenuhi untuk dapat  membuktikan bahwa kasus Artalita merupakan kasus mafia hukum atau perdangangan?

Mohon penjelasannya. Terima Kasih


Teori adalah serangkaian bagian atau variabel, definisi, dan dalil yang saling berhubungan yang menghadirkan sebuah pandangan sistematis mengenai fenomena dengan menentukan hubungan antar variabel, dengan menentukan hubungan antar variabel, dengan maksud menjelaskan fenomena alamiah. Labovitz dan Hagedorn mendefinisikan teori sebagai ide pemikiran "pemikiran teoritis" yang mereka definisikan sebagai "menentukan" bagaimana dan mengapa variable-variabel dan pernyataan hubungan dapat saling berhubungan
Dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teori dalam ilmu pengetahuan berarti model atau kerangka pikiran yang menjelaskan fenomena alami atau fenomena sosial tertentu. Teori dirumuskan, dikembangkan, dan dievaluasi menurut metode ilmiah. Teori juga merupakan suatu hipotesis yang telah terbukti kebenarannya. Manusia membangun teori untuk menjelaskan, meramalkan, dan menguasai fenomena tertentu (misalnya, benda-benda mati, kejadian-kejadian di alam, atau tingkah laku hewan).
Menurut Turner teori merupakan proses mental untuk membangun ide sehingga ilmuwan dapat menjelaskan mengapa peristiwa itu terjadi. Sedangkan Kornblum mengemukakan bahwa teori merupakan seperangkat jalinan konsep untuk mencari sebab terjadinya gejala yang diamati.
Menurut Soerjono Soekanto, suatu teori pada hakikatnya merupakan hubungan antara dua fakta atau lebih, atau pengaturan fakta menurut cara-cara tertentu. Fakta merupakan sesuatu yang dapat diamati dan pada umumnya dapat diuji secara empiris. Oleh sebab itu dalam bentuk yang paling sederhana, teori merupakan hubungan antara dua variabel atau lebih yang telah diuji kebenarannya.
Kemudian John W Creswell dalam bukunya yang berjudul Research Design yang mendefinisikan teori sebagai serangkaian bagian atau variabel, definisi, dan dalil yang saling berhubungan yang menghadirkan sebuah pandangan sistematis mengenai fenomena dengan menentukan hubungan antar variabel, dengan menentukan hubungan antar variabel, dengan maksud menjelaskan fenomena alamiah.

Oleh : Khusnunah Harkanti
NIM  : 13/357949/PKU/14199

Referensi yang berhubungan dengan In-Service Training

Rycus, Judith, S. Huges, Ronald, C. (2000), What Is Competency-Based Inservice Training. USA, Institute For Human Resources. e-book.

Sisson, Gary, R. (2009), Hands-on Training. A Simple and Effective Method for On-the-Job Training. Colorado, Berret – Koehler Publishers. e-book.

Bornman, J., Alant, E. (2007). A Beginning Communication Intervention Protocol : In-service Training of Health Worker. Jurnal Education and Training in Developmental Dissabilities. Juni. Vol : 42, p : 206 – 207. (internet).

Newton, O., English, M. (2010). In-service Training for Healh Professionals to Improve Care of The Seriously Ill Newborn or Child in Low and Middle-income Countries. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (internet), Mei.

McDermott, J., Beck, D., Buffington, S.T., Annas, J., Supratikto, G., Prenggono, D., Ekonomi, D.M.F., Achadi, E. (2001). Two models of in-service training to improve midwifery skills: How well do they work. Journal of Midwifery \& Women's Health. Vol : 46, p : 217-225. (internet).

Joynes, O. (2010). Distance Learning for Health : A Global Review of Accredited Post-qualification Training Programmes for Health Worker in Low and Middle Income Countries. London International Development Centre. (internet), Oktober.

Chen FM, Bauchner H, Burstin H:A call for outcomes research in medical education.Acad Med2004,79:955–960.

Prystowsky JB, Bordage G:An outcomes research perspective on medical education: the predominance of trainee assessment and satisfaction. Med Educ2001,35:331–336.

Grimshaw JM, Shirran L, Thomas R, Mowatt G, Fraser C, Bero L, Grilli R, Harvey E, Oxman A, O’Brien MA:Changing provider behavior: an overview of systematic reviews of interventions.Med Care2001,39:II2–45.

Hutchinson L:Evaluating and researching the effectiveness of educational interventions.BMJ1999,318:1267–1269.

Cantillon P, Jones R:Does continuing medical education in general practice make a difference?BMJ1999,318:1276–1279.

O’Brien MA, Rogers S, Jamtvedt G, Oxman AD, Odgaard-Jensen J, Kristoffersen DT, Forsetlund L, Bainbridge D, Freemantle N, Davis DA, Haynes RB, Harvey EL:Educational outreach visits: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review).Cochrane Database Syst Rev2007:CD000409.

Kirkpatrick D, Kirkpatrick J:Evaluating Training Programs.3rd edition. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers; 2006.

Dellon Wijaya
NIM. 13/357731/PKU/14163
HP. 0819 429 0528
Pin BB: 26932551

Health Workforce Skill Mix And Task Shifting In Low Income Countries: A Review Of Recent Evidence (Tugas Pertemuan Ke-III Referensi)

Riadi Ardian Yuswanto


1.     1. Buchan J, Calman L: Skill-mix and policy change in the health workforce: Nurses in advanced roles. OECD Health Working Papers 17 2004, 8:63.
2.      2.Buchan J, Calman L: Skill-Mix and policy change in the health workforce. OECD Health Working Papers 2005, 17.
3.      3.Callaghan M, Ford N, Schneider H: A systematic review of task-shifting for HIV treatment and care in Africa. Human Resources for Health 2010, 8(8).
4.      4. Dubois C, Singh D: From staff-mix to skill-mix and beyond, towards a systemic approach to health workforce management. Hum Resour Health 2009, 7:87. doi:10.1.1186/1478-4491-7-87
5.      5. Fulton B, Scheffler R, Sparkes S, Yookyung E, Vujicic M, Soucat A: Health workforce skill mix and task shifting in low income countries, a review of recent evidence. Hum Resour Health 2011, 9:1. doi:10.1186/1478-4491-9-1
6.      6. Nicola Foster, Diane McIntyre : Economic evaluation of task-shifting approaches to the dispensing of anti-retroviral therapy. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:32 (13 September 2012)
7.      7. Paula E Brentlinger, Américo Assan, Florindo Mudender, Annette E Ghee, José Vallejo Torres, Pilar Martínez Martínez, Oliver Bacon, Rui Bastos, Rolanda Manuel, Lucy Ramirez Li, Catherine McKinney, Lisa J Nelson : Task shifting in Mozambique: cross-sectional evaluation of non-physician clinicians' performance in HIV/AIDS care. Human Resources for Health 2010, 8:23 (12 October 2010)
8.      8. Paulo Ferrinho, Mohsin Sidat, Fastone Goma, Gilles Dussault: Task-shifting: experiences and opinions of health workers in Mozambique and Zambia. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:34 (17 September 2012)
9.      9. Parsa Sanjana, Kwasi Torpey, Alison Schwarzwalder, Caroline Simumba, Prisca Kasonde, Lameck Nyirenda, Paul Kapanda, Matilda Kakungu-Simpungwe, Mushota Kabaso, Catherine Thompson : Task-shifting HIV counselling and testing services in Zambia: the role of lay counselors. Human Resources for Health 2009, 7:44 (30 May 2009)
10.  10. Philips M, Zachariah R, Venis S: Task shifting for antiretroviral treatment delivery in sub-Saharan Africa: not a panacea. Lancet 2008, 371:682-84.
11.  11. Selke H, Kimaiyo S, Sidle J, Vedanthan R, Tierney W, Shen C, Denski C, Katschke A, Wools-Kaloustian K: Task-shifting of antiretroviral delivery from health care workers to persons living with HIV/AIDS: clinical outcomes of a community-based program in Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic 12. Syndr 2010, 55:483-490.
12.  12. Syed Ahmed, Md Awlad Hossain, Ahmed RajaChowdhury, Abbas Bhuiya : The health workforce crisis in Bangladesh: shortage, inappropriate skill-mix and inequitable distribution. Human Resources for Health 2011, 9:3 (22 January 2011)
13.  13. Wlash A, Ndubani P, Simbaya J, Dicker P, Brugha R: Task sharing in Zambia: HIV service scale-up compounds the human resource crisis. BMC Health Services Research 2010, 10:272.
14.  14. World Health Organization: Taking stock: task-shifting to tackle health worker shortages. Geneva: WHO; 2007.
15.  15. World Health Organization: Essential Competencies for the Skilled Attendant in the African Region. Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo: WHO Regional Office for Africa; 2006. OpenURL
16.  16. World Health Organization: Task Shifting: rational redistribution of tasks among health workforce teams. Global recommendations and guidelinesGeneva: World Health Organization; 2008.

Health Workforce Skill Mix And Task Shifting In Low Income Countries: A Review Of Recent Evidence (Tugas Pertemuan Ke-III Referensi)

Riadi Ardian Yuswanto


1.      1.Buchan J, Calman L: Skill-mix and policy change in the health workforce: Nurses in advanced roles. OECD Health Working Papers 17 2004, 8:63.
2.      2. Buchan J, Calman L: Skill-Mix and policy change in the health workforce. OECD Health Working Papers 2005, 17.
3.      3. Callaghan M, Ford N, Schneider H: A systematic review of task-shifting for HIV treatment and care in Africa. Human Resources for Health 2010, 8(8).
4.      4. Dubois C, Singh D: From staff-mix to skill-mix and beyond, towards a systemic approach to health workforce management. Hum Resour Health 2009, 7:87. doi:10.1.1186/1478-4491-7-87
5.      5. Fulton B, Scheffler R, Sparkes S, Yookyung E, Vujicic M, Soucat A: Health workforce skill mix and task shifting in low income countries, a review of recent evidence. Hum Resour Health 2011, 9:1. doi:10.1186/1478-4491-9-1
6.      6. Nicola Foster, Diane McIntyre : Economic evaluation of task-shifting approaches to the dispensing of anti-retroviral therapy. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:32 (13 September 2012)
7.      7. Paula E Brentlinger, Américo Assan, Florindo Mudender, Annette E Ghee, José Vallejo Torres, Pilar Martínez Martínez, Oliver Bacon, Rui Bastos, Rolanda Manuel, Lucy Ramirez Li, Catherine McKinney, Lisa J Nelson : Task shifting in Mozambique: cross-sectional evaluation of non-physician clinicians' performance in HIV/AIDS care. Human Resources for Health 2010, 8:23 (12 October 2010)
8.      8. Paulo Ferrinho, Mohsin Sidat, Fastone Goma, Gilles Dussault: Task-shifting: experiences and opinions of health workers in Mozambique and Zambia. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:34 (17 September 2012)
9.      9. Parsa Sanjana, Kwasi Torpey, Alison Schwarzwalder, Caroline Simumba, Prisca Kasonde, Lameck Nyirenda, Paul Kapanda, Matilda Kakungu-Simpungwe, Mushota Kabaso, Catherine Thompson : Task-shifting HIV counselling and testing services in Zambia: the role of lay counselors. Human Resources for Health 2009, 7:44 (30 May 2009)
10.  10. Philips M, Zachariah R, Venis S: Task shifting for antiretroviral treatment delivery in sub-Saharan Africa: not a panacea. Lancet 2008, 371:682-84.
11.  11. Selke H, Kimaiyo S, Sidle J, Vedanthan R, Tierney W, Shen C, Denski C, Katschke A, Wools-Kaloustian K: Task-shifting of antiretroviral delivery from health care workers to persons living with HIV/AIDS: clinical outcomes of a community-based program in Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2010, 55:483-490.
12.  12. Syed Ahmed, Md Awlad Hossain, Ahmed RajaChowdhury, Abbas Bhuiya : The health workforce crisis in Bangladesh: shortage, inappropriate skill-mix and inequitable distribution. Human Resources for Health 2011, 9:3 (22 January 2011)
13.  13. Wlash A, Ndubani P, Simbaya J, Dicker P, Brugha R: Task sharing in Zambia: HIV service scale-up compounds the human resource crisis. BMC Health Services Research 2010, 10:272.
14.  14. World Health Organization: Taking stock: task-shifting to tackle health worker shortages. Geneva: WHO; 2007.
15.  15. World Health Organization: Essential Competencies for the Skilled Attendant in the African Region. Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo: WHO Regional Office for Africa; 2006. OpenURL
16.  16. World Health Organization: Task Shifting: rational redistribution of tasks among health workforce teams. Global recommendations and guidelinesGeneva: World Health Organization; 2008.

How evidence-based workforce planning in Australia is informing policy development in the retention and distribution of the health workforce

Penalaran kasus dalam artikel "How evidence-based workforce planning in Australia is informing policy development in the retention and distribution of the health workforce"
Ciri kasus
Kondisi Nasional
Proyeksi HWA
1.  Sumber tenaga kerja
Tergantung pada perekrutan internasional
Bisa diambil dari lulusan institusi kesehatan, dan dari tenaga kerja yang mengikuti pelatihan kesehatan
2.  Fokus perencanaan tenaga kesehatan
Karena populasi di Australia didominasi oleh lansia maka pelayanan kesehatan usia lanjut lebih diutamakan
Dokter,perawat, dan bidan juga akan dibutuhkan masyarakat Australia dimasa mendatang
3.  Ketersediaan tenaga kerja kesehatan dimasa datang
Mengikuti perkembangan penyediaan tenaga kerja internasional
Mempertimbangkan penyediaan tenaga kerja sendiri
4.  Koordinasi dengan pihak terkait
Pemerintah tidak melibatkan sector sector yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan
Berusaha menjalin kerjasama antara pemerintah dengan institusi pendidikan kesehatan
A.    Daftar referensi artikel:
1.   Buchan J, Naccarella L, Brooks P: Is health workforce sustainability in Australia and New Zealand a realistic policy goal? Aust Health Rev 2011, 35:152–155.
2.   Hernandez P, Dräger S, Evans DB, Tan-Torres Edejer T, Dal Poz MR: Measuring Expenditure for the Health Workforce: Evidence and Challenges. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3.   Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: Australian Hospital Statistics 2009– 10. Health services series no. 40. Cat. No. HSE 107. Canberra: AIHW; 2011.
4.   Goss J: Projection of Australian Health Care Expenditure by Disease, 2003–2033. Cat. No. HWF 36. Canberra: AIHW; 2008.
5.   Australian Medical Workforce Advisory Committee: Medical workforce planning in Australia. Aust Health Rev 2000, 23:8–26.
6.   Ono T, Lafortune G, Schoenstein M: Health workforce planning in OECD countries: a review of 26 projection models from 18 countries. In OECD Health Working Papers, No. 62. France: OECD Publishing; 2013:8–11.
7.   National Health Workforce Planning and Research Collaboration: Alternative Approaches to Health Workforce Planning Final Report. Adelaide: HWA; 2011.
8.   McCarty MV, Fenech BJ: Towards best practice in national health workforce planning. MJA 2012, 1(Suppl 3):10–13.
9.   World Health Organization: Models and Tools for Health Workforce Planning and Projections. Human Resources for Health Observer, 3. Geneva: WHO; 2010.
10. Craig D, Byrick R, Carli F: A physician workforce planning model applied to Canadian anesthesiology: planning the future supply of anesthesiologists. Can J Anesth 2002, 49:671–677.
11. Roberfroid D, Leonard C, Stordeur S: Physician supply forecast: better than peering in a crystal ball? Hum Resour Health 2009, 7:10.
12. Schofield D, McRae I, Shrestha R: Modelling demand for medical services in Australia. In International Medical Workforce Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland; 2008:16–20. http://rcpsc.medical.org/publicpolicy/imwc/ demand_modelling.pdf.
13. Segal L, Bolton T: Issues facing future health care workforce: the importance of demand modelling. Aust New Zeal Health Pol 2009, 6:12.
14. Health Workforce Australia: Health Workforce. Australia: Doctors, Nurses and Midwives – Volume 1. Adelaide: HWA; 2012.
15. Health Workforce Australia: Health Workforce 2025 – Doctors. Australia: Nurses and Midwives – Volume 2. Adelaide: HWA; 2012.
16. Health Workforce Australia: Health Workforce 2025. Australia: Medical Specialties – Volume 3. Adelaide: HWA; 2012.
17. Productivity Commission: Australia's Health Workforce Research Report. Canberra: Productivity Commission; 2005.
B.    Artikel "How evidence-based workforce planning in Australia is informing policy development in the retention and distribution of the health workforce" sudah disitasi sebanyak 1 kali.
C.   Artikel yang mirip pada referensi adalah ada 119 artikel
D.   Hipotesis artikel ini adalah Perencanaan tenaga kerja kesehatan di masa datang harus diproyeksikan berdasarkan bukti dasar ketersediaan tenaga kerja saat ini.
Nim. 13/357560/PKU/14132

Health Workforce Skill Mix And Task Shifting In Low Income Countries: A Review Of Recent Evidence (Tugas Pertemuan Ke-III Revisi Tabel)

 Riadi Ardian Yuswanto

Tabel Perbandingan Task Shifting / Skill Mix dan Profesionalisme Kerja
Task Shifting / Skil Mix
Profesionalisme Kerja
Jumlah Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pegawai
Jumlah Tenaga minimum, tenaga susah dicari
Jumlah Tenaga Terpenuhi sesuai dengan Basic Pendidikan dan Skill
Pengukuran Penempatan pegawai
Penempatan pegawai bukan prioritas. Kualitas Pegawai dari kemampuan mengerjakan beberapa pekerjaan baik sesuai tupoksi maupun di luar tupoksi untuk memenuhi layanan
Kualitas pegawai yang didasarkan kepada profesionalitas skill dan pendidikan sesuai layanan yang diberikan.
Kuantitas pegawai
Kuantitas pegawai menjadi masalah
Kuantitas pegawai bukan menjadi masalah
Pengembangan pegawai
Pembelajaran pekerjaan baru untuk mengatasi masalah
Pelatihan professional untuk peningkatan kemampuan
Sasaran kinerja pegawai
Menyelesaikan pekerja yang ditugaskan
Capaian pekerjaan sesuai bidangnya
Orientasi target kerja
Terselesaikanya pekerjaan
Kualitas layanan prima



Ø  Tidak ada folow-up atas hasil kinerja yang telah dilakukan
Ø Membantu pengikut dalam mencapai tujuan mereka dan untuk menyediakan mereka perlu arah dan/atau dukungan untuk memastikan bahwa tujuan mereka kompatibel dengan tujuan keseluruhan kelompok atau organisasi
Ø Kepemimpinan dalam organisasi semakin dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan berfikir secara konsepsional strategis dan makro
Ø  Praktek pengelolaan SDM tidak berada di tangan profesional
Ø  Dalam organisasi seorang pemimpin mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk mengambil keputusan yang bersifat menyeluruh dalam arti bahwa keputusannya akan mempunyai implikasi yang luas terhadap seluruh organisasi.
Ø  Kurang dilibatkan dalam pengambilan keputusan
Ø  Keputusan harus tepat dalam arti mampu memecahkan persoalan-persoalan yang dihadapi oleh organisasi
Ø  Melibatkan seluruh komponen di dalam organisasi
Ø  lambat dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk suatu perubahan
Ø Kepemimpinan yang menghargai eksperimen, mencari ide-ide baru, dan menghasilkan dan menerapkan perubahan.
Ø  Setiap ada perubahan tidak mengikuti sistem manajemen
Ø  Dengan bantuan karyawan organisasi dapat mendayagunakan resources yang dimiliki perusahaan secara optimum karena mereka dapat melihat berbagai kemungkinan, pendidikan dan pengalaman mereka memungkinkan memilih kesempatan yang terbaik.
Ø  Program-program pengembangan kepemimpinan  dibentuk sedemikian rupa untuk disesuaikan dengan tantangan dan kebutuhan dari setiap perusahaan

Attraction, recruitment and distribution of health professionals in rural and remote Australia: early results of the Rural Health Professionals Program

Anna L Morell*†, Sandra Kiem, Melanie A Millsteed and Almerinda Pollice
Health Workforce Australia

Artikel yang berhubungan:

1.        Brown, Leanne; Williams, Lauren and Capra, Sandra. Going rural but not staying long: Recruitment and retention issues for the rural dietetic workforce in Australia. By: Nutrition & Dietetics. Dec 2010, Vol. 67.
2.        Falcon, Ron et all. 2011. Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Populations in Antiretroviral Clinical Trials: Practical Applications from the Gender, Race And Clinical Experience Study. Journal of Women's Health (15409996). Jul 2011, Vol. 20.
3.        Gagnon, Marie-Pierre et all. 2011. Supporting work practices through telehealth: impact on nurses in peripheral regions. BMC Health Services Research. 2011, Vol. 11.
4.        Hughes, Roger et all. 2011. A study of clinical dietetic workforce recruitment and retention in Queensland. Nutrition & Dietetics. Mar 2011, Vol. 68.
5.        Keane, Sheila et all. 2012. Retention of allied health professionals in rural New South Wales: a thematic analysis of focus group discussions. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 12.
6.        Kingma, Mireille. 2008. Nurses on the Move: Historical Perspective and Current Issues. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. 2008, Vol. 13.
7.        Lambie, Ian and Stewart, Malcolm W. 2010. Workforce Factors for Psychologists in CAMHS in New Zealand. Child & Adolescent Mental Health. Sep 2010, Vol. 15.
8.        Larsen, Rachelle; Reif, Luann and Frauendienst, Renee. 2012. Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Intention to Choose a Public Health Career. Public Health Nursing. Sep/Oct 2012, Vol. 29.
9.        Munga, Michael A et all. 2009. The decentralisation-centralisation dilemma: recruitment and distribution of health workers in remote districts of Tanzania. BMC International Health & Human Rights. 2009, Vol. 9.
10.    North, Nicola. 2011. Can New Zealand achieve self-sufficiency in its nursing workforce? Journal of Clinical Nursing. Jan 2011, Vol. 20.
11.    Putthasri, Weerasak et all. 2013. Thailand special recruitment track of medical students: a series of annual cross-sectional surveys on the new graduates between 2010 and 2012. Human Resources for Health. Vol.11.
12.    Snow, Rachel C et all. 2011. Key factors leading to reduced recruitment and retention of health professionals in remote areas of Ghana: a qualitative study and proposed policy solutions. Human Resources for Health. 2011, Vol. 9.
13.    Srinivasan, A. and Vasudevan, V. 2012. A stochastic model on the mean time to recruitment for a two graded manpower system associated with a univariate policy of recruitment involving combined thresholds using same geometric process for inter-decesion times. Recent Research in Science & Technology. Dec 2012, Vol. 4.
14.    Tariq, Sufia; Goddard, Catharine A. and Elkum, Naser. 2013. Barriers in participant recruitment of diverse ethnicities in the state of Kuwait. International Journal for Equity in Health. Vol.12.
15.    Thammatacharee, Noppakun et all. 2013. Attitudes toward working in rural areas of Thai medical, dental and pharmacy new graduates in 2012: a cross-sectional survey. Human Resources for Health. 2013, Vol. 11.
16.    Wang, Jinwen et all. 2013. What interventions do rural doctors think will increase recruitment in rural areas: a survey of 2778 health workers in Beijing. Human Resources for Health. Vol.11.
18.    Whitford, Deirdre; Smith, Tony and Newbury, Jonathan. 2012. The South Australian Allied Health Workforce survey: helping to fill the evidence gap in primary health workforce planning. Australian Journal of Primary Health. Sep2012, Vol. 18.

Oleh : Khusnunah Harkanti
NIM  : 13/357949/PKU/14199