Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Referensi yang berhubungan dengan In-Service Training

Rycus, Judith, S. Huges, Ronald, C. (2000), What Is Competency-Based Inservice Training. USA, Institute For Human Resources. e-book.

Sisson, Gary, R. (2009), Hands-on Training. A Simple and Effective Method for On-the-Job Training. Colorado, Berret – Koehler Publishers. e-book.

Bornman, J., Alant, E. (2007). A Beginning Communication Intervention Protocol : In-service Training of Health Worker. Jurnal Education and Training in Developmental Dissabilities. Juni. Vol : 42, p : 206 – 207. (internet).

Newton, O., English, M. (2010). In-service Training for Healh Professionals to Improve Care of The Seriously Ill Newborn or Child in Low and Middle-income Countries. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (internet), Mei.

McDermott, J., Beck, D., Buffington, S.T., Annas, J., Supratikto, G., Prenggono, D., Ekonomi, D.M.F., Achadi, E. (2001). Two models of in-service training to improve midwifery skills: How well do they work. Journal of Midwifery \& Women's Health. Vol : 46, p : 217-225. (internet).

Joynes, O. (2010). Distance Learning for Health : A Global Review of Accredited Post-qualification Training Programmes for Health Worker in Low and Middle Income Countries. London International Development Centre. (internet), Oktober.

Chen FM, Bauchner H, Burstin H:A call for outcomes research in medical education.Acad Med2004,79:955–960.

Prystowsky JB, Bordage G:An outcomes research perspective on medical education: the predominance of trainee assessment and satisfaction. Med Educ2001,35:331–336.

Grimshaw JM, Shirran L, Thomas R, Mowatt G, Fraser C, Bero L, Grilli R, Harvey E, Oxman A, O’Brien MA:Changing provider behavior: an overview of systematic reviews of interventions.Med Care2001,39:II2–45.

Hutchinson L:Evaluating and researching the effectiveness of educational interventions.BMJ1999,318:1267–1269.

Cantillon P, Jones R:Does continuing medical education in general practice make a difference?BMJ1999,318:1276–1279.

O’Brien MA, Rogers S, Jamtvedt G, Oxman AD, Odgaard-Jensen J, Kristoffersen DT, Forsetlund L, Bainbridge D, Freemantle N, Davis DA, Haynes RB, Harvey EL:Educational outreach visits: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes (Review).Cochrane Database Syst Rev2007:CD000409.

Kirkpatrick D, Kirkpatrick J:Evaluating Training Programs.3rd edition. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers; 2006.

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