Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mind Map Hubungan Antara Motivasi Tenaga Kesehatan Dan Usaha Meningkatkan Kualitas Kesehatan di Ghana

Referensi :
Alhassan., Robert K, Spieker, Nicole., Ostenberg Paul V., Ogink, Alice., Amponsah, Edward N., Rinke., Tobias F. 2013. Association Between Health Worker Motivation And Healthcare Quality Efforts In Ghana. Human Resources For Health.

Franco, L., Bennett, S., Kanfer, R. 2002. Health Sector Reform and Public Sector Health Woker Motivation: a Conceptual Framework. Social Science & Medicine vol 54. 1255-66.

Nama   : Yul Asriati

NIM     :13/356700/PKU/14013

Minat   : SDMK

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